Saturday, October 29, 2011

If you actually believe.

I think this is gonna be a not so long, but thoughtful post.

It's not like, I'm having troubles and anything, this is just a post that I write because I want to remind everyone that life is changing through times. I know most of you experience this, but I know some of you won't believe it.

Well, it happens.

I remember the time when I made tumblr. It was 2009 and I can't stop posting bullshits. Through out the years, I'm growing, and growing, and I grew to be a more mature person and I began to have thoughts of my own; I had becomeIndependent about my thoughts. I no longer post/reblog bullshits people think it's cute (but, I think they're sometimes gross), useless comments to attract the people I follow, and other stuff that's not my interest. I no longer try to be someone I'm not by following people's mind. I have my own mind now and I'm happy with it.

Looking back, I swear a lot of people hates me for my guts and hypocrite attitude in the past years. I want to apologize to people who thought I was extremely annoying and now, you don't have to worry because apparently, I have different interest than some of you did. I think I've proven it enough for the past years.

I know most of you regrets that you spent your childhood by wishing to be a grown up. From my point of view, why regret it? Even though you regret it everyday, you're not gonna be younger. You'll keep getting old and more memories will fill your mind. There's a lot more to experience when you're mature rather than when you were a kid.

Think about it.

When you were a kid, do you have your favorite bands yet? Were you allowed to go to concerts alone without your parents accompanying you? Were you allowed to have your own laptop? Were you allowed to use the internet without accompany from an older person? Were you even allowed to have handphones? Think again this time.

There are more years to come. Don't be afraid. There are thousands of people in the same page as you are. Just believe everything's gonna be fine. Even though you are in a winding road, there will be something worth the wait at the end of it.

Sunday, July 17, 2011


Yes, it's that hash-tag from Twitter. BUT, instead of tweeting it, I'm going to post it here. I don't want to make bloggers feel like I don't use this blog anymore. I NEED TO POST SOMETHING.

Well, here goes nothing.

1. I'm gonna watch 30 Seconds To Mars on Java Rockin'land on Friday, 22 July 2011.
2. I'm not a fanatic of this band, but I like them and I heard they're gonna split up/go on a hiatus. So, yeah. It's now or never.
3. My most and all time favorite band is My Chemical Romance.
4. Their song "It's Not A Fashion Statement, It's A Death Wish" is my favorite song from them.
5. I'm currently in love with A Day To Remember.
6. I hate the fact that I'm Indonesian.
7. If I have a lot of spare time, I would love to go on all day and discover new bands to listen to.
8. Jackson Rathbone is the hottest person alive. Period.
9. I just discovered that Oasis is now Beady Eye and no more Noel Gallagher.
10. That made me sad.
11. I still listen to their songs when they're still called Oasis though.
12. If I was a guy, I think I'd be gay.
13. I love breakdowns. Yay.
14. For me, the word 'awesome' revolves around Tim Burton, Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter.
15. Stop-motions are the loveliest.
16. I love being different.
17. For me, the perfect look is having a red messy short/shoulder-length hair, soft-looking lips and green/hazel eyes.
18. Gerard Way has that perfect look. That's why I think he's perfect.
19. This number is mine and my mom's birthdate. She's on July and I'm on September.
20. I'm currently trying to diet.
21. I'm considered tall for someone my age. Approx. 170 cm I think.
22. I'm not girly. At all.
23. I wear skirts though.
24. I'm currently craving for Indian food.
25. I own an iPod 3G and name it Spaceboy.
26. Androids > Blackberries.
27. Currently loves to play Plants vs. Zombies.
28. I read Twilight fanfictions.
29. I don't even read the book or watch the movie. Which is weird.
30. EdwardJasper, Blackwater, PauLeah and PaulJacob are crack pairs that I shipped from Twilight.
31. I think my iTunes library is not enough.
32. I would love to dye my hair.
33. I have the love for tattoos. Sadly, I can't have them. *sobs*
34. I'm trying to write a fic/fanfic at the moment.
35. Heartbreaks are already something I experienced a lot. It never heals though.
36. Sierra Kusterbeck is my favorite female band vocalist.
37. I read mangas and watch animes. My favorite is Eyeshield 21.
38. I don't do really well on sports.
39. I find guys with glasses cute. Most of the times.
40. I'm 13 and I read NC-17 fanfics.

+bonus: I'm going to move to Saudi Arabia.

That's that. Ciao.

Friday, July 1, 2011

"Maybe I’m in the gap batween the two trapezes."

Coldplay's new single. Stop-motion means loveliness, colors means beauty. Enjoy!

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Everything's Magic - Angels & Airwaves

I love this song! I have the sudden urge to post the lyrics here. Angels & Airwaves is a great band. I love the brilliant Tom DeLonge. So, here goes.

And do you ever feel like you're alone?
And do you ever wish you'd be unknown?
I could say that i have i could say that i have

And do you ever feel things here aren't right?
And do you ever feel the time slip by?
I can say that i have and i can say that i have

So hear this please
And watch as your heart speeds up endlessly
And look for the stars as the sun goes down
Each breath that you take has a thunderous sound
Everything everything's magic

Just sit back and hold on but hold on tight
Prepare for the best and the fastest ride
And reach out your hand and i'll make you mine
Everything everything's magic

And do you ever lay awake at night?
And do you ever told yourself don't try
Don't try to let yourself down don't try to let yourself down

And do you ever see yourself in love?
And do you ever take a chance my love?
Because you know that i will because you know that i will

So hear this please
And watch as your heart speeds up endlessly
And look for the stars as the sun goes down
Each breath that you take has a thunderous sound
Everything everything's magic

Just sit back and hold on but hold on tight
Prepare for the best and the fastest ride
And reach out your hand and i'll make you mine
Everything everything's magic everything everything's magic

So hear this please
And watch as your heart speeds up endlessly
And look for the stars as the sun goes down
Each breath that you take has a thunderous sound
Everything everything's magic

Just sit back and hold on but hold on tight
Prepare for the best and the fastest ride
And reach out your hand and i'll make you mine
Everything everything's magic

Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Hey! Remember me? I used to be I deleted that blog and made a new one! I imported the posts from that blog to this blog too. Wait, you're aware right?

There are reasons why I deleted my old blog. They're:
  • I think the link is too mainstream and not creative at all.
  • I wanted to start fresh. Re-do some things and make changes to my blog.
  • I think the link is boring.
  • I don't find any interest on writing in my old blog.
  • I'm easily bored. Sue me.
Anyway, what do you think about the link? Different, huh? The idea is from Sherina Munaf's Singing Pixie. But, I changed the 'pixie' to 'pixel'. The meaning of the link is:
  1. Singing: I love music. I use the phrase 'singing' to show how much I love hearing people sing or how much I love singing.
  2. Pixel: I'm a fan of photography. I know pixels are connected to photography, so, yeah.
Today, Simple Plan's newest album-called Get Your Heart On!-was released. Excited! Jet Lag is one hell of a single. Can't wait to hear the whole album!

I guess that's the end of this post. Please subscribe and keep reading! Thank you so much! :D


Friday, May 27, 2011

Talented kid, might I say.

I present to you: Maddi Jane.
  • Who the hell is she? She's a youtube singer.
  • Why am I posting this? BECAUSE, she sings awesome. Seriously.
  • What song she covers in this video? Rolling In The Deep by Adele.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"What's the worse that I can say? Things are better if I stay."


So, as you all know I love My Chemical Romance. I just saw this video a few moments ago. I know it's late that I post this, 'cause this happened months and months ago. I just wanna share it to you guys. Watch first. Please do enjoy this. I give you: My Chemical Romance - Helena (Live Acoustic at 98.7FM Penthouse.

What do you think? Awesome right? It's so freaking beautiful, I almost cried. Seriously. I think this version of Helena should be recorded. This is so beautiful. So beautiful.

Anyways, that's all I wanna post. That's all I wanna share. Sorry for taking your time only to show you this video. But, I can't help it. I need to show you. This is one of the reasons I'm getting more and more in love with this band. Thank you!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Past Few Weeks When I Was Missing

So, hey!

Sorry for the lack of posts in this blog. I still can't find the perfect thing to write for this blog! Sorry, again. I don't like making other people wait. So, I'll write something.

Jadi 2 minggu yang lalu, gue ada ujian akhir semester. Kalo di sekolah gue, dijamin ujian ini jauh lebih susah dibanding UNAS. Percaya deh. Kalo ujian harus rela belajar non-stop sampe SKS juga. Untungnya, gue bukan orang kayak gitu. I still get some rest and just go with it.

Ujiannya diadain 1 minggu. Dari hari senin sampai jum'at. So, this is the sequence of events that happened that week.

SENIN, 2 MEI 2011 - Hari ini ujiannya bahasa inggris. Mudah, tapi kalo salah nulis aja nilainya bisa berkurang. Nggak banyak yang dipelajarin, jadi lancar. Nilai ujian: 90.

SELASA, 3 MEI 2011 - Hari ini ujiannya IPA. SUSAH. BANGET. Mungkin gara-gara malem sebelumnya nggak belajar banyak sih ya. Satu angkatan aja setuju kalo susah. Kalo di sekolah gue penjurusannya mulai kelas 9. Jadi, yang awalnya mau masuk jurusan IPA kemungkinan banyak yang batal gara-gara mata pelajarannya ini. Sebenernya nggak terlalu susah, tapi gara-gara kurang belajar jadi rasanya susah deh. Nilai ujian: 75 (lumayan lah, bukan dapet 60.)

RABU, 4 MEI 2011 - Pas selasa harusnya gue ada les gitar. Tapi, gara-gara hari ini ujian matematika jadinya bolos deh. Udah bolos les, ternyata, ujiannya beda 135 derajat. Nggak susah sama sekali! Agak nyesel bolos les deh jadinya. Nilai ujian: 92.

KAMIS, 5 MEI 2011 - Hari ini ujiannya bahasa indonesia. Pelajarannya nggak terlalu susah, tapi trauma dapet nilai jelek. Belajar juga akhirnya. Kayaknya pelajaran ini memang paling sering diremehkan ya. Banyak yang ngerasa, "Ah pelajaran gampang ini. Santai ah!" Ternyata dapet nilai jelek aja mampus lo. Belajar itu mengutungkan, jadi ya belajar aja. Eaaa jadinya ceramah. Ujian ini juga sukses! Nilai ujian: 94.

JUM'AT, 6 MEI 2011 - Hari ini ujian geografi. Di sekolah gue ada peraturan kalo ujian harus bawa ID card. And guess what? ID CARD GUE KETINGGALAN DI RUMAH! Gue panik banget sampe nangis. Ngerasa bego banget nggak sih kalo kayak gini? Untung gue bisa tenang. Ketahuan nggak bawa ID card, dikurangi 10% nilai ujian geografi gue. Untung gue dapet nilai bagus, kalo nggak? Bisa lompat dari lantai 4 sekolah gue. Nilai ujian: 92-10%=82.

Kira-kira begitu lah seminggu yang campur aduk itu. Kadang-kadang agak nyesel juga milih SMP disini. Nggak tenang. Takut mati muda gara-gara stress. Eh, nggak gitu juga kali.

The next week, there's 2 days sabbatical. Acaranya adalah lomba antar kelas. Lombanya yang udah mainstream juga: futsal, basket, tarik tambang & estafet. Di hari kedua, setelah acara gue langsung ke kantor imigrasi buat foto passport. Setelah foto passport ke POINS Square (mall nggak penting, tapi agak berguna juga). Disana makan siang dan beli DVD bajakan. Look, I'm human and the original DVDs are expensive to begin with. Pirated DVDs are so cheap, you can buy 2-5 DVDs with the price of the original DVD. Masuk akal dong lebih milih DVD bajakan daripada yang asli. Lagian kenapa sih DVD yang asli harus mahal? Nggak bisa liat orang seneng ya bisa nonton film ini itu? (jadi sewot.)

Anyways, in that week there's Friday the 13th. Let me guess, you think it's gonna be a bad day? Not at all! Actually it was a great day! Hari ini di sekolah agak bebas. Kita cuma nonton film dan video buat tugas bahasa inggris. Pelajaran geografi sama IPA nonton Happy Feet (emang agak nggak penting ya). Pelajaran bahasa inggris ya, nonton video tugas dari sekelas. Pelajaran matematika nonton horror! Filmnya Shutter (Thailand). This is actually the first horror movie I've ever seen. Dulu pernah nonton sekali pas kelas 7. Di hari ini, nonton lagi! It's a very scary movie, might I say. You should've seen everyone in my class freaked out like cats. Even the guys! I laughed at them. Okay, I'm so mean I know. Sue me.

Two very hectic weeks. The events are actually fun. I think this is the end of the post.

Wait, no.

Before I close this post, I want to share the bands I'm hooked to right now. It's A Day To Remember, The Pretty Reckless, VersaEmerge, Attack Attack! and Iron & Wine. Now, I can close this post with All I Want video by A Day To Remember. Thank you for reading and enjoy!

Monday, March 28, 2011


"We'd like to send messages of hope to Japan from people all over the world. We're asking for you to send video, pictures, drawings or written messages to the people of Japan. Go wherever your creativity and heart takes you. It could be as simple as you holding up a sign with "#SINGItForJapan " written on it, or anything else you can dream up. From what we've seen on tour, we know you guys can dream bigger than we ever could." -My Chemical Romance-

This is my artwork to contribute to them. You can join too! The deadline is on 30th of March 2011. For more info:

Saturday, March 26, 2011

You Gave Me Light

I'm inspired with this. This is brilliant.

For more artworks, go to explodingdog.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011


1. Planetary (GO!) music video.

I was super excited when I knew My Chemical Romance was going to make this video. Why not? I actually think that Planetary (GO!) is one of the best song of their 4th album, Danger Days: The True Lives Of The Fabulous Killjoys. You curious? Here's the video.

2. Journalistics.

I know, it doesn't seem that fun to hear this. I thought that today's journalistics lesson was better than yesterday's. The fact that the teacher was different from yesterday's teacher made it way better. Tomorrow, we're having a fieldtrip to the media. Just so you know.

3. Inspector Parker.

I'm addicted to this game. I've always been a fan of mysteries, sci-fi and sometimes horror. I adore detectives. I can actually feel like a real detective when I was playing this game. Real fun for me after a lot of yawning during the lessons.

4. Fanfictions.

Look, they're addictive okay. I've just read a very good one today. I can't stop reading fanfictions. I craved for more good fanfictions and GOD, how I belong to the community of high imagination and overly creative people.

5. Song of the day: Hurricane by Panic! At The Disco.

This song is from Panic! At The Disco's newest album, Vices & Virtues. I like this song. But, my favorite of their new album is Sarah Smiles. This is the song of the day. Enjoy!

Those are 5 things about 22nd of March 2011. I think I'm going to post this kinds of post frequently. Thanks for reading! Ciao!

Saturday, March 19, 2011

It's a trap trap trap.


Oke, gue tau pembukaannya agak nggak jelas. Dan sebenernya, judul post ini nggak bakal nyambung sama isinya. Gue lagi bosen, butuh hiburan. Ya, akhirnya gini deh.

Sebenernya gue seneng banget nulis or ngetik. MASALAHNYA, gue lagi nggak ada ide. Gue lagi suka fotografi sama musik juga. Niatnya, gue bakal bikin album recommendations sama post berisi foto-foto hasil jepretan gue. Kalo sekarang, males ah nulisnya kebanyakan (suka sesuatu juga ada bosennya loh).

Gue juga mau nulis cerita-cerita atau puisi-puisi atau lirik lagu ciptaan sendiri mungkin (eaaaa). And last but not the least one, I'm going to write some posts in English. Gue pengen bisa tambah lancar berbahasa inggris. Gue punya *uhuk* cita-cita *uhuk* kuliah di luar negri, jadi *ehm* sutradara tepatnya. Nggak lucu juga kalo nulis naskah film bahasa inggrisnya fail. Mungkin bakal kayak gini:

Karakter A: "Oh girl, I heart you!'
Karakter B: "You know me so well. I heart you too!"


Itu semua yang pengen gue post di blog yang belom setahun ini. Mungkin gue harus rajin-rajin nulis juga ya kalo mau semuanya tercapai. I can't abandon another blog because of my laziness to write. Udah ada kali 6 blog yang gue hapus gara-gara gue males nulis. Coba dari dulu gue rajin nulis, blognya bakal anniversary 2 tahun deh. Happy anniversary! *dilempar sendal*

Anyway, itu aja yang mau gue bilang di post ini. Sebenernya post ini cuma buat iseng, but it ended up making me realise that I need to write more. Semoga ide-ide yang udah gue kasih tau di atas ini bakal tercapai. Buat yang ngikutin blog ini, sabar ya! Bakal banyak post yang akan dipost segera. Thanks for reading! If you have any suggestion, you can tell me via formspring, twitter, tumblr or conversation box yang ada di blog ini. I accept any kind of criticism and suggestions. Once again, thank you so much! :]

Friday, March 18, 2011

"All Michaels are weird."

Just so you know, this video made my day. And also, this video tells you not to hate weird people. I agree with this because I'm weird too ha ha. Prepare to be amazed by Ryan Higa's skill of talking-super-fast! Enjoy :]

Friday, March 11, 2011

"I think we'd rather be, burning your information."

Kayaknya udah kelamaan gue nggak ngepost sesuatu. Udah kelamaan nggak nyentuh laptop. Well, blame it on my iPod. My handphone and laptop are forgotten because of it. It serves me better and such, and such, and such...

But, anyway.

Belakangan ini gue lagi kena great-mood-syndrome. Gue sendiri nggak yakin kenapa ngenamainnya kayak gitu, tapi emang belakangan ini jarang kena bad mood.

Alasannya cuma satu: 8 Buenos Aires.

Kelas gue yang sekarang itu asik banget. Nggak tau buat yang sekelas sama gue ngerasa gitu juga atau nggak (gue nggak peduli juga sih), tapi buat gue amat.sangat. Tiap hari ada aja yang jadi bahan ketawaan. Entah itu gara-gara guru-gurunya, jayusan-jayusan yang disebar-sebarin ke satu kelas (lah, virus dong?) atau tingkah laku luar binasa makhluk-makhluk di kelas ini. Kelas gue yang sekarang nggak ada duanya deh.

Kelas ini mungkin bisa jadi "kelas paling berisik sejagat-raya". Gimana nggak ya, komplain semua guru juga dibilang kelas ini berisik. Liat aja komentar-komentar dibawah ini.
  • "If you keep talking, I will demerit you!" *logat Cina*
  • "You guys is always soooooo noisy." (pake IS loh!)
  • "Kalian kok berisik banget siiiiiih?"
  • "Why do you guys keep talking all the time?" *muka melas*
  • "Kalian ini berisik sekali ya..." *muka datar*
  • "If you keep talking all the time, I cannot explain to you and you will ask me a lot of questions during the test and it's bothering meh!" *logat Filipina*
See? Berisik kan? Banget.

Percaya atau nggak, kelas ini pernah (well, bukan pernah sih, berkali-kali) ditinggal sama gurunya gara-gara berisik. Guru-gurunya pada ngambek gara-gara dikacangin, terus pergi deh.

Kenapa gue harus diajarin guru-guru labil?

TAPI, masih ada aja guru yang betah ngajarin kelas ini. Terpaksa mungkin ya. Contohnya kayak guru gue yang "poker face". Gila, lo semua harus tau betapa datarnya muka beliau (bukan datar kayak hantu ya. Serem amat) dan betapa sabarnya beliau ngajarin kita. Dia selalu bilang ke kita gini;

"Tolong jangan berisik. Kalau berisik, penghapus papan ini bakal mendarat di muka kalian."

Nggak deng. Nggak jadi sabar.

Beliau nggak bisa marah (katanya), ekspresinya juga datar terus. Santai banget nangepin kelas berisik kayak gini. Beliau memang asik juga kalau ngajarin, jadi murid-muridnya seneng diajarin beliau. Ternyata nggak semua guru-guru gue labil.

Aih, kok jadi ajang pamer guru?

Balik ke kelas 8 Buenos Aires.

Kelakuan si kucing garong, eh, maksud gue kelakuan temen-temen sekelas gue yang luar binasa juga bikin suasana kelas asik. Anak-anak yang di kelas gue suka banget bikin jayusan atau ngeledekin orang. Contohnya ke guru gue yang sekarang. I call it; "How to piss off my science teacher."

Yang ini nih, senengnya komplain mulu kalo kelas gue bau. Gara-gara udah kesel, akhirnya sekelas beli Stella (pengharum ruangan). Setiap mau mulai pelajaran beliau, pasti disemprotin banyak-banyak biar nggak komplain lagi.

Alhasil, banyak yang pada bengek gara-gara bau orange yang nusuk ke saluran pernapasan. Jadi, yang komplain sekarang justru anak-anak kelas gue bukan gurunya. Gantian ya miss.

Udah hampir setahun di kelas ini. 3 ato 2 bulan lagi kelas 9. Rasanya nggak mau pindah deh. Comfortable class it is, my dear friends. Kompak lagi. Kekompakan kelas gue bikin juara di "Speech Fest" yang diadain sekolah. Juara seangkatan. Ah, gue bakal kangen kelas ini.

Selesai sudah post ini. I know it's random and binasa gara-gara awalnya belom ada ide mau ngepost apa. For those who look up to this blog, please keep reading. I will post more stuff for you guys. Thank you! Let me leave you with what I'm listening today; Panic! At The Disco - The Ballad Of Mona Lisa.