Saturday, October 29, 2011

If you actually believe.

I think this is gonna be a not so long, but thoughtful post.

It's not like, I'm having troubles and anything, this is just a post that I write because I want to remind everyone that life is changing through times. I know most of you experience this, but I know some of you won't believe it.

Well, it happens.

I remember the time when I made tumblr. It was 2009 and I can't stop posting bullshits. Through out the years, I'm growing, and growing, and I grew to be a more mature person and I began to have thoughts of my own; I had becomeIndependent about my thoughts. I no longer post/reblog bullshits people think it's cute (but, I think they're sometimes gross), useless comments to attract the people I follow, and other stuff that's not my interest. I no longer try to be someone I'm not by following people's mind. I have my own mind now and I'm happy with it.

Looking back, I swear a lot of people hates me for my guts and hypocrite attitude in the past years. I want to apologize to people who thought I was extremely annoying and now, you don't have to worry because apparently, I have different interest than some of you did. I think I've proven it enough for the past years.

I know most of you regrets that you spent your childhood by wishing to be a grown up. From my point of view, why regret it? Even though you regret it everyday, you're not gonna be younger. You'll keep getting old and more memories will fill your mind. There's a lot more to experience when you're mature rather than when you were a kid.

Think about it.

When you were a kid, do you have your favorite bands yet? Were you allowed to go to concerts alone without your parents accompanying you? Were you allowed to have your own laptop? Were you allowed to use the internet without accompany from an older person? Were you even allowed to have handphones? Think again this time.

There are more years to come. Don't be afraid. There are thousands of people in the same page as you are. Just believe everything's gonna be fine. Even though you are in a winding road, there will be something worth the wait at the end of it.

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