Friday, May 27, 2011

Talented kid, might I say.

I present to you: Maddi Jane.
  • Who the hell is she? She's a youtube singer.
  • Why am I posting this? BECAUSE, she sings awesome. Seriously.
  • What song she covers in this video? Rolling In The Deep by Adele.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

"What's the worse that I can say? Things are better if I stay."


So, as you all know I love My Chemical Romance. I just saw this video a few moments ago. I know it's late that I post this, 'cause this happened months and months ago. I just wanna share it to you guys. Watch first. Please do enjoy this. I give you: My Chemical Romance - Helena (Live Acoustic at 98.7FM Penthouse.

What do you think? Awesome right? It's so freaking beautiful, I almost cried. Seriously. I think this version of Helena should be recorded. This is so beautiful. So beautiful.

Anyways, that's all I wanna post. That's all I wanna share. Sorry for taking your time only to show you this video. But, I can't help it. I need to show you. This is one of the reasons I'm getting more and more in love with this band. Thank you!

Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Past Few Weeks When I Was Missing

So, hey!

Sorry for the lack of posts in this blog. I still can't find the perfect thing to write for this blog! Sorry, again. I don't like making other people wait. So, I'll write something.

Jadi 2 minggu yang lalu, gue ada ujian akhir semester. Kalo di sekolah gue, dijamin ujian ini jauh lebih susah dibanding UNAS. Percaya deh. Kalo ujian harus rela belajar non-stop sampe SKS juga. Untungnya, gue bukan orang kayak gitu. I still get some rest and just go with it.

Ujiannya diadain 1 minggu. Dari hari senin sampai jum'at. So, this is the sequence of events that happened that week.

SENIN, 2 MEI 2011 - Hari ini ujiannya bahasa inggris. Mudah, tapi kalo salah nulis aja nilainya bisa berkurang. Nggak banyak yang dipelajarin, jadi lancar. Nilai ujian: 90.

SELASA, 3 MEI 2011 - Hari ini ujiannya IPA. SUSAH. BANGET. Mungkin gara-gara malem sebelumnya nggak belajar banyak sih ya. Satu angkatan aja setuju kalo susah. Kalo di sekolah gue penjurusannya mulai kelas 9. Jadi, yang awalnya mau masuk jurusan IPA kemungkinan banyak yang batal gara-gara mata pelajarannya ini. Sebenernya nggak terlalu susah, tapi gara-gara kurang belajar jadi rasanya susah deh. Nilai ujian: 75 (lumayan lah, bukan dapet 60.)

RABU, 4 MEI 2011 - Pas selasa harusnya gue ada les gitar. Tapi, gara-gara hari ini ujian matematika jadinya bolos deh. Udah bolos les, ternyata, ujiannya beda 135 derajat. Nggak susah sama sekali! Agak nyesel bolos les deh jadinya. Nilai ujian: 92.

KAMIS, 5 MEI 2011 - Hari ini ujiannya bahasa indonesia. Pelajarannya nggak terlalu susah, tapi trauma dapet nilai jelek. Belajar juga akhirnya. Kayaknya pelajaran ini memang paling sering diremehkan ya. Banyak yang ngerasa, "Ah pelajaran gampang ini. Santai ah!" Ternyata dapet nilai jelek aja mampus lo. Belajar itu mengutungkan, jadi ya belajar aja. Eaaa jadinya ceramah. Ujian ini juga sukses! Nilai ujian: 94.

JUM'AT, 6 MEI 2011 - Hari ini ujian geografi. Di sekolah gue ada peraturan kalo ujian harus bawa ID card. And guess what? ID CARD GUE KETINGGALAN DI RUMAH! Gue panik banget sampe nangis. Ngerasa bego banget nggak sih kalo kayak gini? Untung gue bisa tenang. Ketahuan nggak bawa ID card, dikurangi 10% nilai ujian geografi gue. Untung gue dapet nilai bagus, kalo nggak? Bisa lompat dari lantai 4 sekolah gue. Nilai ujian: 92-10%=82.

Kira-kira begitu lah seminggu yang campur aduk itu. Kadang-kadang agak nyesel juga milih SMP disini. Nggak tenang. Takut mati muda gara-gara stress. Eh, nggak gitu juga kali.

The next week, there's 2 days sabbatical. Acaranya adalah lomba antar kelas. Lombanya yang udah mainstream juga: futsal, basket, tarik tambang & estafet. Di hari kedua, setelah acara gue langsung ke kantor imigrasi buat foto passport. Setelah foto passport ke POINS Square (mall nggak penting, tapi agak berguna juga). Disana makan siang dan beli DVD bajakan. Look, I'm human and the original DVDs are expensive to begin with. Pirated DVDs are so cheap, you can buy 2-5 DVDs with the price of the original DVD. Masuk akal dong lebih milih DVD bajakan daripada yang asli. Lagian kenapa sih DVD yang asli harus mahal? Nggak bisa liat orang seneng ya bisa nonton film ini itu? (jadi sewot.)

Anyways, in that week there's Friday the 13th. Let me guess, you think it's gonna be a bad day? Not at all! Actually it was a great day! Hari ini di sekolah agak bebas. Kita cuma nonton film dan video buat tugas bahasa inggris. Pelajaran geografi sama IPA nonton Happy Feet (emang agak nggak penting ya). Pelajaran bahasa inggris ya, nonton video tugas dari sekelas. Pelajaran matematika nonton horror! Filmnya Shutter (Thailand). This is actually the first horror movie I've ever seen. Dulu pernah nonton sekali pas kelas 7. Di hari ini, nonton lagi! It's a very scary movie, might I say. You should've seen everyone in my class freaked out like cats. Even the guys! I laughed at them. Okay, I'm so mean I know. Sue me.

Two very hectic weeks. The events are actually fun. I think this is the end of the post.

Wait, no.

Before I close this post, I want to share the bands I'm hooked to right now. It's A Day To Remember, The Pretty Reckless, VersaEmerge, Attack Attack! and Iron & Wine. Now, I can close this post with All I Want video by A Day To Remember. Thank you for reading and enjoy!